Verification of ratings

MAILBEEZ - Information about measures to verify reviews

MAILBEEZ is a service provider for obtaining and recording reviews. Reviews are collected and made accessible via MAILBEEZ. Find out here how reviews are created at MAILBEEZ and what measures are taken to verify reviews.

 ℹ️ A verified rating is a rating that ensures that it is based on an actual purchase process.

Who is not allowed to leave a review on MAILBEEZ?

  • Guests
  • customers without a purchase
  • Customers without registration

Mailbeez only collects and displays one type of rating:

  • Ratings given by the reviewer in response to an automatic review invitation.

Uniquely verified reviews on MAILBEEZ:

  • Reviews after automatic review invitation (after the customer has given his consent):
DTR-Shop uses software from MAILBEEZ to ask its customers for their consent to receive a review invitation immediately after the purchase process. Once this has been granted, the customer automatically receives a personal invitation to review. A rating can only be given if the purchase process has been completed. It is not possible to use the review link more than once or to falsify it. Reference data (order number and e-mail address) are stored for the respective rating in order to ensure that the rating link can be addressed and that the order can be traced.

